Hitex International Announces New Joint Venture In India
Hitex International Group, the leading global provider road safety and surfacing solutions, has announced a new joint venture partnership with Trans Metalite India, the New Delhi-based supplier of highways infrastructure solutions. The Metalite Hitex Group will offer a wide range of innovative, high quality road maintenance, safety and marking solutions designed specifically for Indian highways construction and maintenance industries.
Finn Goff, Group Commercial Director, Hitex International Group commented: “Metalite Hitex Group has been formed to meet the unique and often complex difficulties facing India’s highway infrastructure network. Together we will focus on developing cost effective Indian solutions to Indian problems rather than trying to implement products or systems designed for the European market and infrastructure needs.”
Demonstrating its commitment to India, Metalite Hitex Group has established a new manufacturing plant at Bawal in Haryana, where a range of road repair and maintenance solutions will be developed. They will include new crack, joint and pothole repairs, anti-skid treatments and high quality thermoplastic road markings.
Vikas Jalan, Managing Director, Trans Metalite India Limited added: “Metalite Hitex Group will develop and manufacture new materials, equipment and processes that extend the effective life of road surfaces and substantially reduce ongoing maintenance and lifecycle costs. We are pleased to partner with Hitex International Group as there is great synergy between our two companies with the complementary services we can jointly offer the highways sector.”
The launch of this joint venture was fully supported by the British High Commission in New Delhi where Anthony Cooper, First Secretary, Trade and Investment, said: “This partnership between two leading British and Indian companies celebrates the spirit of Great for Collaboration and Make in India, exciting campaigns that highlight the scale of the UK’s commitment to India. We are glad that the UK can use its expertise to provide solutions for road maintenance in India.”