Everyday Loans Deploys MyPeople Platform To Achieve Business Success Through The Aggregation Of Marginal Gains
Everyday Loans, the leading branch-based provider of unsecured consumer loans, has deployed MyPeople’s new cloud-based employee performance management and engagement analytics platform after successfully completing a proof of concept pilot. Developed by the same analytics team that helped GB cycling, GB rowing and England Rugby to achieve outstanding success through the aggregation of marginal gains, MyPeople’s reporting tool applies the same principles to achieving comparable results in the business environment. It will provide Everyday Loans with unique levels of people insight to positively impact employee engagement, performance management and business culture.
According to Steven White, COO at Everyday Loans: “We undertook this pilot after being introduced to the capabilities of the MyPeople system at a Saracens Way training programme. In just four weeks, the system has highlighted and clarified performance and cultural issues which were previously extremely difficult to quantify. We now have a greater understanding of the cultural makeup of the business with detailed reports on the strength of relationships and the role that individuals and teams play in translating this into business success.”
MyPeople’s reporting tool is being deployed on a software-as-a-service basis. Uniquely, it tracks and measures culture changes and performance improvements, providing detailed insights into ‘cultural strength’ and the role that individuals play in translating this into business success. It overcomes the drawbacks of traditional personality testing applications which focus on the individual rather than the group as a whole.
“The MyPeople tool allows us to turn gut feelings into commercial objectives that will set the tone of the business for years to come,” added Mareena Flint, HR Director. “It enables us to measure the level of employee engagement across the organisation and identify where inconsistencies in leadership, culture and communications may be impacting on performance.”
During the pilot, the MyPeople tool’s self-service administration capability was used by Everyday Loans to set up a comprehensive range of performance, engagement, mood and psychological contract surveys using the built-in library of preconfigured templates. A weekly mood survey was also sent to all employees at every management level to track changing attitudes and feelings. At the end of the 4 week period, the system highlighted changes, improvements and where interventions were required.
“The successful outcome of the pilot shows that software tools developed to identify and exploit marginal gains developed for the sporting world can deliver similar levels of impact in the business environment,” added MyPeople Group.